Probably everyone has seen a man with prominent veins in his arms. Some see this as a human norm or individual characteristic. In fact, the veins need to be hidden under the skin and any change gives you a reason to think about your health. In addition to swelling of the veins, discomfort or a change in skin tone can be an alarming sign.
Are there any varicose veins in the upper extremities?
Varicose veins are a vascular disease. It can affect any blood vessel and can occur anywhere on the body. Considering that overload is the provoking factor, the varicose veins most often affect the limbs of the body. The disease mainly affects the legs, but varicose veins also occur in the hands. According to the international classification (MKB-10) it corresponds to the code I86.
The varicose veins of the upper extremities are easy to recognize - the veins in the hand and forearm swell and resemble blue snakes. After 50 years, the disease affects women more often, as well as male athletes and bodybuilders.
Swollen and swollen veins: high risk of varicose veins?
Excessive loads cause the venous walls to stretch and the venous valves cannot fully perform their functions. If your veins used to look normal but are now swollen, see your doctor for a detailed examination. The sooner a problem is detected, the easier it is to handle.
If changes occur in the veins, the risk of varicose veins is indeed high.
In addition to external aesthetic manifestations, varicose veins affect the well-being of the patient, provoking some complexes by causing pain.
Characteristics of varicose veins in the upper extremities

The first changes in hand varicose veins appear as a blue lump. They may disappear after a while and then reappear.
This suggests that the veins are unable to cope with the increased load, but recover quickly when the provocative factor is eliminated.
In the absence of timely treatment, nodules can be observed continuously in the veins of the arms, and then dilation will affect the longer section of the vessel. In this case, the blood vessel noticeably swells, which often attracts the patient's attention and forces him to see a doctor.
Other reasons
It's not just overload that negatively affects blood vessels. Other reasons for this extension include:
- Stress.
- Taking oral contraceptives or hormonal imbalances in women.
- Smoking and alcohol consumption.
- Intense exercise.
- An unbalanced diet. You can read about the proper diet for varicose veins here.
- Inheritance.
Hormonal background greatly affects the condition of blood vessels. As you know, it is less stable in women than in men.
Symptoms of an infringement - pay attention!
Even if a person is unaware of the development of such a varicose vein, they should alert you with the following changes:
- Swelling.
- Burns and discomfort.
- Rapid fatigue and weakness.
- Numbness or pain.
- Contrast between vein and skin color is clearly visible.
- Raising the arms increases the size of the vessels.

In people with thin, thin skin, the veins may swell. However, this is not a pathology but a feature of the body.
If this symptom is seen from birth and is not accompanied by other symptoms, do not worry.
Looking at a photo of varicose veins and a healthy limb, you’ll immediately notice the difference and know what to look out for.
Treatment Methods
Tactics for treating varicose veins in the hands depend on the stage of development of the disease. Conservative treatment methods are used in the initial stage, and surgical methods in the later stages.
People at risk are advised to participate in the prevention of varicose veins to avoid dangerous complications.
Conservative treatment includes the use of special compression stockings, the appointment of special medications, diet, and physiotherapy. All this is aimed at increasing the tone of the veins, strengthening the blood vessels and reducing their permeability.
The medical leotard is represented by special gloves or sleeves made of special materials. Underwear should be worn at all times to provide mechanical support for the dishes and prevent them from expanding. The degree of compression is selected by the physician, taking into account the neglect of the pathology.
Treatment of late varicose veins in the hands
When the deep veins are affected, limb function can be impaired. The person feels difficulty, pain, discomfort, becomes unable to do normal work.

Surgery is used in later stages. One of the most effective and safest methods is laser correction and sclerotherapy. Their benefits are:
- Pain relief.
- No scar or scar.
- Fast tissue repair.
- Good cosmetic results.
With sclerotherapy, a positive effect can occur a few weeks after the procedure. It only takes a few minutes. The patient is injected into a bulging vein to inject a sclerosing agent.
The process is completely painless. The vein is glued together under the influence of the drug and does not require the surgeon to cut the tissue. To prevent relapse, the patient should wear compression clothing.
The advantage of modern methods is that they do not have a negative effect on the surrounding tissues, eliminate skin incisions and almost never cause complications.
Hirudotherapy is popular for many vascular diseases. Although this is an unusual method of treatment, it requires adherence to certain rules. It is not recommended to place leeches on their own. Only healthy worms that are used only once are suitable for this procedure.
A medical secret chosen by leeches helps strengthen blood vessels and thins blood. It helps reduce edema, get rid of blood stagnation, normalize microcirculation and restore vein structure.
Home treatment

Many patients try folk remedies to cure varicose veins in their hands. They are suitable as monotherapy only in the very first stage of the disease.
If varicose veins are severe enough, folk prescriptions should only be used beyond the basic system prescribed by your doctor.
Chestnut-based remedies work well against varicose veins. The healing properties of this plant are also recognized by official medicine, as chestnuts are part of many venotonic ointments.
You can make your own cream at home. To do this, the chestnut fruit is crushed and mixed with melted lard. The treatment is applied externally, the affected area is lightly rubbed.
Compressions made from cabbage or wormwood leaves have a positive effect in treating varicose veins. In a blender, they break up by adding a small amount of oil or kefir to allow the beneficial ingredients to penetrate deeper into the skin. The mixture is impregnated with gauze and applied to dilated areas of the veins.
One of the popular ways to get rid of the disease is a bath.
Prevention of varicose veins in the hands
To prevent varicose veins in the arms, doctors recommend the following:
- Limits physical activity in the upper extremities. Girls should not lift weights and male athletes should use compression clothing during training.
- Change the type of activity. People who have seated office work on the keyboard should take breaks during which they can raise their hands and stretch their joints.
- Eat normally. Antioxidants and vitamins are useful for strengthening blood vessels, especially C and PP. Your daily diet should include more fresh vegetables and fruits and at least 1. 5 liters of clean water.
- Don't forget your hands while taking a contrast shower. Cool water trains the blood vessels, prevents lumps from forming and allows the veins to achieve the desired sound.
- Check your weight. Excessive weight creates a constant load on the blood vessels and over time their strength decreases.
- Minimize negative factors. Alcohol, smoking, stress - all have a bad effect on the elasticity and tone of blood vessels.
Possible complications

Hand veins are not only a cosmetic defect but also a dangerous health condition.
Blood stasis develops in areas of enlargement, leading to inadequate nutrition of adjacent tissues.
The area with poor microcirculation eventually becomes the focus of an inflammatory and even infectious process.
In the future, this may lead to thrombophlebitis or blockage of the vascular lumen.
The formation of a blood clot is facilitated by a slowing of blood circulation in the area of expansion, increased coagulation and a disturbed structure of the vessel wall. Thrombosis occurs more often in the lower extremities, however, prolonged squeezing of the hand or an uncomfortable position can cause venous arms and a thrombus to form.
Thrombophlebitis is suspected when the patient complains of pain and swelling of the hand, while cyanosis is exacerbated by clenching the fist. Severe disruption of blood flow in a certain area causes necrosis of adjacent tissues and leads to the need for amputation of the limb.
Male varicose veins are less common because the stronger is not more emotionally stable. However, in addition to stress, other triggers can cause venous dilatation even in young men.
Feeling of heaviness in the hand, evening fatigue, and the appearance of lumps are one of the first symptoms of varicose veins in the upper extremities. Taking care of your health and regular medical checkups will help you stay healthy and look good.